Skilled Services

Fast, flexible, efficient through the "Service" portfolio of Steinmüller Engineering GmbH


Networking between services and digitisation plays a decisive role in improving operational performance and thus competitiveness with relatively low investment. But how can I as a customer achieve added value through services?

This is exactly the question we have asked ourselves from your point of view. The answer, and thus the ultimate goal, is a better operating performance under more economical boundary conditions. With our service portfolio, we provide you with tailor-made services for this purpose, with the focus on the continuous improvement of your processes. At the same time, we offer a flexible and therefore cost-effective approach, which is built up in several stages during problem analyses.

3D Scan

With our 3D-Scan Service we offer you the possibility to use an image of your plant in 3D on your PC. The image is used for virtual plant inspections, rebuilding projects, assembly planning, as-built recordings, marketing etc. This saves you personnel and organisational effort. You also reduce the risk of collisions, which also has a positive effect on the actual costs.

Digital Twin

With our Digital-Twin Service a digital twin of your plant process is created, which can be used offline, remotely or online for continuous process optimization using KPIs. The Digital-Twin is very flexible in use and especially suitable for assessing the effects of process changes in a very short time, cost efficiently and without risk. If desired, our Digital-Twin is used to automatically correct running processes based on KPIs.

ProSim Plus HNO3

By using the simulation software ProSim we can offer you a recalculation of your nitric acid plant to increase the efficiency of the plant or to identify bottlenecks in a planned increase in output. In connection with our in-house program DimBo we also consider the critical waste heat boiler as a key component in the plant. Thus the advantages of the ProSim software are combined with the know-how of our experienced engineers to achieve the best possible result for you.

Mercury Monitoring

The reduction of mercury emissions from combustion gases and the related reduction measures are currently of great interest due to the tightening of the emission directives. Due to the complexity of the individual measures, a reduction of mercury emissions is generally achieved by site-specific adaptation. The basis for these adjustments should always be an analysis of the current mercury levels at the site. In order to be able to determine these in a targeted, fast and application-oriented manner, Steinmüller Engineering has its own mercury online measuring device, which carries out species-specific measurements over the entire flue gas path of the power plant (a "normal" nozzle is sufficient). On the basis of the real-time measured values thus determined, effective, specific measures for mercury reduction are derived, which means that costly tests of various separation technologies can be largely avoided.

We will be glad to advise you.

Contact us now!


Jörg Lichtenfeld

Senior Lead Engineer After Sales
Phone +49 2261 78950 504
Cell +49 151 2325 1814
Write an E-Mail


Steinmüller Engineering GmbH
IHI Group Company
Fabrikstraße 5
51643 Gummersbach / Germany


T +49 (0)2261 78950-0
F +49 (0)2261 78950-199

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